11. he is considered one of the greatest military tactician of all times. the second pic also shows one of his famous tactics...identify him( dedicated to all aoe and warcraft freaks)

12. name this famous persona( everyone has heard his name atleast once in their lifetime). the first picture is of the person while the second shows his belongings.

13. this one is dedicated to all car and bike freaks....
identify this famous bmw car and what is its prominence?

14.link all the pictures of a famous war and tell me the war.clarify on the second and the third picture for a bonus point.

15. what is special about the song " a very silent night"?( a pure give away)
16.tell me the word which means the following
Biology: A cellular phenomenon that usually occurs during differentiation of cells Chemistry: A name for a particular phase change Physics: A process that has been observed in stars, though no human enterprises have succeeded in replicating it in a controlled manner
17. the book in the picture has short stories which gives us some revolutionary set of concepts...tell me the concepts

18. what is attukal pongala and what is its record claim?
19. un secretary general ban ki-moon commuted to his office using a special taxi developed by louis palmer and sponsored by swizerland. what is special about it?
finally the last....it is a hard one
what is peculiar about this plane?
hint:think of news involving the airlines and a major event in world history

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